Questions to ask your veterinarian

The window of opportunity to properly treat AIHA is small since it is a life threatening disease that can kill within days. Your veterinarian needs to have experience administering the drugs and to be aware of conditions that warrant an aggressive approach.

Do not accept ego or financial driven reluctance to make a referral to a specialist. The decision to go to an Internal Medicine Specialist or teaching hospital versus staying with an inexperienced vet can mean the difference between life and death.

Please ask these questions to make sure that you are in the hands of a competent veterinarian.

Veterinarian's experience treating AIHA
Explain that you want to ensure that your dog has access to the best possible care, regardless of distance or cost.

Familiarity with treatment options

Proper diagnosis and search for secondary causes

Initial drug therapy and preventative medications

Need for a Transfusion

Immunosuppressive reductions

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