Serving Northeast Florida Since 1986and we're now celebrating 28+ years doing businessin beautiful St. Augustine, Florida!World Class Trained German Shepherds For Sale.We train and board all breeds - all sizes. |
[904] 829-5654 GERMAN SHEPHERD WAY OF LIFE! We train and assist with EMOTIONAL SUPPORT PTSD canine needs! |
take on stairs
be open minded
be watchful
Get dressed and go out
First and foremost - with our deepest gratitude, we thank all armed forces personnel for their amazing hearts and service! We assist so many veterans and tend to get emotionally involved with these owners and their handler training.
We also give props and thank the military K9 teams for their part serving America! Tara was trained right here at ICNDF. She is 16 years old in this picture and was on scene that first night at the Trade Center to assist with the 9/11 rescue efforts. She worked at ground zero for 8 days!
Never forget.
Service dog training is a little bit more involved. Handlers [you] really have to learn how to take advantage of the least little distraction to properly socialize and nurture desired behaviors. Things we take for granted or generally don't give much thought.
Basic obedience has to be solid. We can help build that foundation or add to what you may already have started. Your dog will need to learn about more than just their home environment in order to mingle in public while maintaining a nice relaxed and composed manner.
Typically, your service dog will need to:
Call Jim so an individual program can be put together to meet your specific needs and the needs of the general public regarding Federal requirements. [904] 829-5654 |
be receptive
stand ready
bear the weight
just hang out