Dog of the Month
In honor of Lilli's beautiful spirit.

December 2000


Leroy is a four year old Golden Retriever who lives in Glen Ellyn, Illinois with his canine sisters Frannie-a Sheltie and Brynne-a Beagle, and their human pack members Anne and John.

Leroy was born into the Guide Dogs for the Blind Breeding Program after being whelped by Sundae, a member of the Guide Dogs' Breeding Stock. He spent the first eight weeks of his life being socialized at the San Rafael, CA facility with his littermates, whom all have green tattooes inside their ears identifying their origin as well as names starting with the letter L. Fortunately Leroy was placed with a Puppy Raiser that was also a Trainer for Guide Dogs, so he got to go to work with her every day. While his "raiser" was off at work, Leroy learned proper manners, obedience and social skills by hanging out in the office of Anne, the Breeding Program's Veterinarian. Leroy made a career change around his first birthday after being assessed as "excessively friendly" and his professional relationship with Anne turned personal when was adopted by her! Leroy then became the lone Golden in a pack of Shelties that consisted of Paige, Frannie and Calvin.

Leroy matured into the most handsome boy, and the friendliest too! He is never without a stuffed, squeaky toy, and even exhibits his hunting instincts by shaking them and ripping them apart. All the practice has proven worthwhile because he is known to pounce on possums and stalk skunks. Despite a number of unfortunately stinky outcomes with these encounters, Leroy is not dismayed and actually seems to enjoy them!

Some interesting facts about Leroy are that when he is being too needy, you can tell him to "go get your bone" or to "find something to do that doesn't involve me", and he understands and proceeds to find another way to occupy himself! He also never goes to bed (the living room sofa) without his stuffed animal. It's very cute!!

Though Leroy has the finest lineage, it is his unaristocratic attitude that makes Leroy such an exceptional and beautiful spirit. His genuine love of life and happy attitude are the products of careful breeding and responsible raising, which resulted in an ideal dog that is a complete joy to be around.

Here's to you Leroy.....I feel so fortunate to have met you and your whole wonderful family!

Coming next month....... one of Leroy's sisters.

Other Dogs of the Month
Tired of all this?
We'll take you home!


 Lilli's Legacy