Meet Dan & Nancy

Summer 1997 Rocky Mountain National Park

Dan is a commodities trader and Nancy is a dog walker.

They met June 1, 1996 at Cosley Park's Run for the Animals 5K, got engaged November 3, 1997 on the beach on Captiva Island, FL and were married on top of Aspen Mountain on February 28, 1998 during their ski trip.

Dan inheritied Lilli and Cinder when they got married, so they each have a diamond puppy stone representing them on the engagement ring!

Dan's hobbies include soccer and running. He ran four marathons so far, with Chicago 1999 being his fastest at 3:09:41. Dan has gone skydiving!

Nancy's hobbies are dogs, gardening, and home improvement.
Nancy was an Rh baby, aka erythroblastosis fetalis, a form of hemolytic anemia!

They both like travelling, skiing, hiking and taking the kids out for long walks.

They saw a grizzly bear while hiking in Grand Teton National Park in 1998!

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